Monday, April 8, 2013

Ain't Facebook Grand?

Given that some are not able to see this on Facebook - and not sure if anyone can with the settings that may be set on the other side, figured I'd let everyone know the latest and greatest in the "I hate drama" soaked life.

It amazes me that this whole thing blew up over a facebook issue.  What the hell are we doing as a people that Facebook can destroy a relationship between a family.  But now it is what it is.  Hopefully he understands and takes it in consideration - but go back to my first post on this blog.  Yep - the one with the drool.  Obviously, the times are from when I copied them.  They don't hold up to real time. 

Yep - it's true.  You can't comment on this blog post anymore:

I copied and pasted the first portion of this to a.) my blog as you know b.) his blog in the comments section, and c.) comments in facebook. 

But what do I know.  I'm just a babbling idiot.

Rich H When you go on the attack, expect to get reaction. You went on the attack, then expect me to just sit by and take it? Especially when the picture is painted that we are some evil, controlling, helicopter parents that are only in it to control you? I can’t let that go. Normally, I just eat the shit sandwich. I'm not hungry today.

Let’s be clear here - you shut yourself off from us. This is of your doing - not mine or your mother's. You blocked us from your phone. You de-friended. We didn't. You’ve published that. This is exactly my point about finding the fault somewhere else.

Think about it - you blocked us from your phone, but go on to say we don't want anything to do with you? How does this make sense? How is it that you say “Fuck this house, I’m never coming back” and we don’t want you in our lives? It doesn’t make sense.

We never told you to get out of the house and don’t come back. We didn’t block your phone number. I’m sure victim mentality people will agree with you. I just don’t get it.

The debt is forgiven. I'll take care of it. Should have followed my own advice and understood that it’s a gift and not a loan because you should never expect to get it back. I don't want your money.

You can't continue to blame someone else because you had a knee jerk reaction. It was your reactions that led us here. Was Mom out of line with the Blog about that comment? Yep - and I told her so. Hopefully, you will learn from this and think about it before you conduct yourself the way you did yesterday. Perhaps show a little bit of respect. Perhaps not paint us in the light that you did in your blog. Maybe take a step back and review the situation before jumping.

We've tried to help, both emotionally and financially. We get shit on when the newest girl strolls in. Then we don't trust you, we don't believe you, we don't this or that. We control your life, we don’t treat you fairly, etc. I don't think we've said no very often – many times go above and beyond of our own free will. But then we are treated this way regardless of what we say or do. We can probably chart out the exact time that you will say we don’t trust you every time a new relationship begins. It’s a pretty static timeline – about 2 weeks in.

We both love you very much and you are not a waste of space or a burden or a failure. We're not sorry you were born. I think you need to get your head out of the pussy and start thinking for Richie. We’re frustrated seeing what road you are taking – and it’s a long one. We’ve traveled it making a lot less money. And 2 kids.

I’m still here and your number isn’t blocked. Can’t say that for the other way around.

Rich H II I said what i did because of what mom said and did. so when she went on the attack, that was my reaction. I never attacked anyone, reacted to being attacked. Hence feeling defensive. I shut myself off from you guys because when I moved out, I was apologized to for mom trying to control my life. She said that she did it because she couldn't control your alcoholism. So when this issue came up and i didn't do exactly what she wanted me to and she got mad, i realized that nothing had changed. we've fought about it and "fixed it" enough times for me to realize that it's never going to change. it's never going to get fixed. It's going to be the same struggle and the same fights over and over again for the rest of my life. I will be sending you checks in the mail for the debt. there is one in the mail right now for $200 to pay the phone cancellation and the minimum payment on the credit card. As soon as I get a job, I will be sending you a check for as much as i can afford to pay off that card faster. I will also be paying you back the money for finishing that room in the basement.

Rich H II now as for being a burden, re read your blog posts. It only really talks about how much it cost you to help me. I apologize for asking for help when i needed it. I won't ask for help anymore. I'll figure it out on my own. My head is not "in the pussy". this whole deal has nothing to do with Lauren. It has everything to do with the fact that nothing has changed and I will always be fighting with Mom like i fought with Grandma. It'll be the same stuff because she is doing the same things. She knows how hard it is for me to even contact grandma to fix it over a year later. why would she treat me the same way that grandma did? why would she act just like grandma? she complains about it and then turns around and does the same things. She even had a big heart to heart and told me about the reason she tried to control my life. and here we are, she's doing it all over again. If i don't just say "ok mom, i'll do exactly what you think i should do." then she gets upset and goes and does things like try to make me feel bad (to the point where you apologized to me in the garage) and guilt me into it. when that doesn't work, she'll try to say hurtful things (Blog on THAT one!) to get under my skin.or perhaps get under Lauren's so that she'll leave instead of me leaving. i don't know. but i can't sit there and take this for the rest of my life. i need to take some time away from it and if she wants to talk about it and honestly fix it this time then she or both of you or whomever can come out to my place and talk about it. until then, i'll be more focused on gettting another job and paying off my debt to you.

Rich H I'll call Bullshit right now. I'm not going to let you to try and spin this conversation and pull this back to the point. First, please go re-read my blog posts. Especially 1 and 3. You have conveniently left those out of the conversation. You have focused on 2. I know exactly what I wrote. Then go re-read your blog posts. You are changing the subject and trying to spin it. You've left out critical details - you've not answered to the point. You are trying to change the situation so it fits your point of view. Remember - I fight fair and stay on topic. I've said (in blog post 1) that I wasn't going to comment on your issues with Mom. That is for the two of you to figure out. Then go re-read blog post 2. I take responsibility for the expenses. I now know that I shouldn't have done it and it's my issue. Life lesson learned on my part. Your checks will be returned with Void written on them. I'll also call Bullshit that this whole thing is not about Lauren and it's all about Mom. Annnndddd what was the topic of conversation all evening? And what set this whole thing off? You even point that out in this post! "Get under my skin.or perhaps get under Lauren's so she'll leave instead of me leaving" Really? But it's not about Lauren? More spin, kid. Now - let's look at this logically, you have blocked us from your phone - both of us right? You've admitted that. but now we are supposed to come to you when we have limited ways to contact you to see if you are even home, what's going on, etc. Bull shit - and even Bull Fucking Shit.

Rich H But at least we have a breakthrough. You now admit that your post about us not wanting anything to do with you is false. You did attack. You attacked through blog. You spread bullshit in your blog. Might want to consider these things. I haven't blocked your number. You've blocked mine. I'll wait to hear from you. In the meantime, I'm done with this. You now admit you want nothing to do with us. You now admit that you have pushed us out of your life. I go back to the fact that you need to start thinking for Richie and who your biggest fans are. But we get pushed aside - every time - for the next girl that walks in. We love you kid. We just can't play this game anymore. You have chosen to pick up your marbles and go away. Not us.

Rich H Wow - and deleted and disabled comments on the Blog huh? Makes it look a bunch cooler that way and spins it to your point of view. Maybe changed it to approve only. This ain't my first blog - I know how to work it. Keeping it on Facebook you can control who sees it and who doesn't. These posts might even be seen only by me. That's OK - I know which way to go now.


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