Monday, April 8, 2013

It's Tough being so stupid....

I know I was told repeatedly by friends that my intelligence level would go down as my kids got older.  At this point, I'm surprised I can even hold my head up straight or wipe the drool off of my shirt.  Because - man - I'm stupid.  I just don't get it, I don't understand, I've never been in this situation before, etc.

I've remained pretty quiet on this whole situation - especially haven't blogged about it until now since I really don't like airing my dirty laundry in public.  But since I have no other methods of contact, and it must be the way all the "other cool kids are doing it" these days.  Did I mention that I'm not cool either?  Must be the dribbling drool out of the corner of my mouth.

I'll spare you all the background.  I have a funny feeling this is going to be long enough anyway.  You can read the background here: and here:  If for some reason a post or two get taken down, I can post them to my google docs in pdf format.  I know one post was for sure taken down from the second link.  Hopefully, I can just figure out what the heck a google doc is.  I think it's where you park your boat, but not sure.

For those of you that have children over the age of 13, I'm the father of the author of the first link.  Second link is the girlfriend.  For those of you who have children over the age of 17, it doesn't matter.  You've forgotten how to read much like I have.

So let's clear up some issues and accountings in the first link. 

Yep - my wife posted some song lyrics.  Song lyrics from a country artist with the music awards being over the weekend.  So - the girlfriend sees this as a shot over the bow and writes a blog.  Was the girlfriend tagged in the post?  Was she mentioned in the post?  Nope.  They were freaking song lyrics.  Maybe it was directed at someone else.  Maybe it was a general comment.  Maybe she was listening to it on the radio.  But somehow this is a no questions asked a shot at the girlfriend.

Next, wife posts different lyrics with a comment of "Blog about that".  I told her she went too far on that one.  But the damage is done.  In essence - a facebook post and a blog have lead to all of this.  I'm not going to comment on the issues between the wife and the son.  That's up to them to figure out.

There's a very important detail that has been left out of the accounting of the day.  I was working my second job (more on that later) when all of this shook out.  When I get home, wife tells me what happened and one particular phrase stuck with me:

"Fuck this house.  I'm never coming back."

Being tired of dealing with this whole situation and having bigger fish to fry, I made my facebook comment at 8:31.  "Well, I'm officially in the don't give a shit phase. I'm done with all of it."  Pulled my profile pictures, etc.  At 9:32 I get a text.  This is the one where I flip out on him according to the account presented in the first link.  Here's the exact transcript of the text string.  I can take the photos and post if proof is needed:

Son:  So what happened between you and mom when you got home?
Me:  Nothing.
Son:  So you two are good?
Me:  For the most part.
Son:  Well at least I haven't completely ruined every relationship.  Just most of them...
Me:  Guess it was nice to see you this weekend since fuck this house and I'm never coming back.
Son:  And at this point I'm bowing out.  Love ya.
Me:  Don't want to stand behind it?  You said it.
Son:  We're done here dad.
Me:  Your call
Son:  Please stop.  Its not helping.  Just like the things mom said weren't helping.
Me:  All I said is what you said along with two and three word answers.  Guess we're done here before this becomes my fault somehow.

Man did I completely freak out in the first text string or what!  Holy Crap!  I'm a CRAZY man!  Pretty sure the Bellevue Orderlies and Nurse Ratchet are coming to get me this afternoon for that flip out!  I'm quite certain that I was blocked before two other texts went out. 

More on that in the next posting.  I have to go take my Prozac.


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